Jamestown professional fire fighters association
Fire fighters continue negotiations to protect public safety
Our citizens deserve to know that when you call 911, you will receive an adequate and effective response from Jamestown Fire Fighters. The City continues to take advantage of our surrounding volunteer fire departments and abuse the mutual aid agreements. The safety of our citizens is the top priority of Jamestown Fire Fighters, and it is time that the City of Jamestown takes responsibility and invests in our citizens' safety .
EMS response is an essential service that requires immediate action and should be a top priority of our City. Your Jamestown Professional Fire Fighters will continue to advocate for your safety, the safety of our members, and the ability to provide Jamestown Citizens the Fire and EMS services you deserve.
rejection of FF Agreement jeopardizes ems response
The agreement would have provided an additional ambulance and firefighters trained to provide the citizens of Jamestown high quality Fire and Emergency Medical Services.
Our service calls have grown exponentially over the last ten years. We do not currently meet the staffing requirements of NFPA.
Calls for emergency service are up 78%. Jamestown Professional Fire Fighters are committed to providing our residents with high quality Fire and Rescue services, but the resources we have available are not enough to meet the growing needs of our community.